King's Park Academy


King's Park Academy has its own on-site kitchen, run by Chef David.

If your child or children do not qualify for Free School Meals or Universal Free School Meals, the cost of school lunch is £12.50 per week (£2.50 per day).

PLEASE REMEMBER - weekly payments must be made in advance before 4 pm on Tuesdays for meals for the following school week and hot lunches can only be booked for full weeks and not individual days.

Please note, the Universal Free School Meals scheme is only available to children up until the end of Year 2. Therefore, children in Year 3 and above will need to pay, unless your household is eligible for Free School Meals.

School lunches must be paid for by credit or debit card using the school online payment system by logging onto your account on  Please do not send cash or cheques to school. 

Please be aware that your balance showing on ParentPay will not reduce until the day the meal has been taken. Therefore, please ensure any payments you make includes enough credit to pay for the for the current weeks meals, as well as £12.50 payment for the following week.

We would encourage all parents to check if their child is eligible to FSM by going onto this BCP website: . If you do apply, please email to inform us that an application has been made. Until it is confirmed that your child is entitled, you will need to pay for school meals or provide a packed lunch.

Please let the school office know if your child has any new dietary requirements i.e. vegetarian or no pork.